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Privacy law Your personal data may be used to send you sales information related to our services using your e-mail address, telephone, fax or other methods. In accordance with the Legislative Decree nr.196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (“Code covering protection of personal data”) dated 30th June 2003, we hereby inform you that: The data conferred to us is not obligatory and your refusal or interruption will have no consequence apart from limiting access to some information and services offered on our web site. The personal data that you freely communicate to us will be registered on protected electronic devices in accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of the Legislative Decree nr.196 dated 30th June 2003, treated confidentially by Solexy S.r.l. for their own information purposes and will not be communicated to third parties if not under the form of aggregated statistics. The holder responsible for managing personal data is: Solexy Srl – Via Enrico Fermi, 2 - 25015 Desenzano del Garda (BS), whom you may contact in order to obtain access rights and the other rights as detailed in the Legislative Decree nr.196 dated 30th June 2003.
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Ere costruisce una vasta gamma di Radiomodem sia in frequenze di libero uso (169MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz) che in frequenze con concessione governativa (150-175 MHz , 390-470MHz) con potenze da 10mW ai 10 Watt.
Sono provvisti di varie opzioni di porta seriale (RS232 e RS485) e possono avere sia ingressi che uscite analogici o digitali.
Possono lavorare in varie modalità , puto-punto, punto-multipunto, broadcast e digipiter.
L'ultima serie introdotta, D5 , può anche lavorare in modalità Modbus, prendendo tale indirizzamento
Potenza RF max
Porta seriale
Classe protezione
Connessione antenna
Tipologia antenna
Lunghezza cavo

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